"Black Panther" is a groundbreaking Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film directed by Ryan Coogler. It follows T'Challa, the newly crowned king of the hidden, technologically advanced African nation of...
"Avengers: Endgame" is the epic conclusion to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Infinity Saga, directed by Anthony and Joe Russo. Released in 2019, the film follows the aftermath of "Avengers: Infinity...
From wikipedia: Meditations is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from AD 161 to 180, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy. Meditations...
The Republic is a Socratic dialogue, written by Plato around 380 BC, concerning the definition of justice, the order and character of the just city-state and the just man—for this reason, ancient read...
"Nicomachean Ethics," written by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, is a foundational text in Western philosophy. This work explores the nature of ethical virtue and the path to a good and fulfi...
Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission—and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will perish. Except that right now, he doesn’t know that. He can’t even remember...
Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he’s sure he’ll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his cre...
Jasmine Bashara never signed up to be a hero. She just wanted to get rich. Not crazy, eccentric-billionaire rich, like many of the visitors to her hometown of Artemis, humanity’s first and only lu...
“I set out to write a book about what to do to make a great work of art. Instead, it revealed itself to be a book on how to be.” —Rick Rubin
While training for the New York City Marathon, Haruki Murakami decided to keep a journal of his progress. The result is a memoir about his intertwined obsessions with running and writing, full of vivi...
There are few creative acts more mysterious and magical than writing a song. But what if the goal wasn't so mysterious and was actually achievable for anyone who wants to experience more magic and cre...
"Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a groundbreaking exploration of systems and entities that thrive and grow stronger in the face of stress, volatility, and chao...
"The Black Swan" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a seminal work that explores the profound impact of rare and unpredictable events, termed "Black Swans." Taleb argues that these events, which are often ov...
"Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb explores the importance of having personal risk in decision-making and the inherent asymmetries in everyday life. Taleb ar...
"Fooled by Randomness" is a thought-provoking book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb that delves into the role of chance in our lives and how we often mistake random events for meaningful patterns. Through a m...
"The Bed of Procrustes" is a collection of aphorisms by Nassim Nicholas Taleb that distills his philosophical insights into short, thought-provoking statements. The title refers to the Greek myth of P...
"Get Him to the Greek" is a 2010 movie about a young guy named Aaron who works for a music company. His big job is to bring Aldous Snow, a famous but troubled rock star, from London to a concert in Lo...
"War Dogs" is a 2016 dark comedy-drama film starring Jonah Hill and Miles Teller. Directed by Todd Phillips, the movie is based on a true story and follows two young men, David Packouz and Efraim Dive...
Groundhog Day is a classic comedy film that has become synonymous with the time loop genre. Directed by Harold Ramis and starring Bill Murray, this 1993 movie follows the story of Phil Connors, a cyni...
Palm Springs is a refreshing take on the time loop genre, blending romantic comedy with science fiction. Directed by Max Barbakow and starring Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti, this 2020 film follows...
Edge of Tomorrow is an action-packed sci-fi film that brings a thrilling twist to the time loop concept. Directed by Doug Liman and starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, this 2014 movie follows Major W...
The Endless is a captivating indie sci-fi horror film directed by and starring Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. Released in 2017, the movie follows two brothers, Justin and Aaron, who return to a mys...
Dark is a critically acclaimed German sci-fi thriller series that delves into complex time travel and intertwining family secrets. Created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, this Netflix series spans...
Ever since the 2008 Great Recession, $1 pizza slices have been popping up all over Manhattan. Now, there are over 80 spots in New York where you can grab a quick, cheap, and surprisingly good slice. P...
A visit to New York City isn't complete without seeing the iconic Flatiron Building. Built in 1902, this 22-story, triangular skyscraper sits at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway. Known fo...
Brooklyn, a vibrant borough of New York City, is a melting pot of cultures and history. Known for its diverse neighborhoods, you can explore hipster havens like Williamsburg and Bushwick, stroll throu...
The New York City Subway is more than just a mode of transportation—it's a symbol of the city's hustle and bustle, immortalized in countless films, TV shows, and songs. From the romantic encounters in...
Wall Street, located in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, is not just the heart of America's financial industry but also a cultural landmark deeply woven into the fabric of New York City. It'...
In a Tokyo suburb, a young man named Toru Okada searches for his wife’s missing cat—and then for his wife as well—in a netherworld beneath the city’s placid surface. As these searches intersect, he en...
Toru, a serious young college student in Tokyo, is devoted to Naoko, a beautiful and introspective young woman, but their mutual passion is marked by the tragic death of their best friend years before...
She has entered, she realizes, a parallel existence, which she calls 1Q84 —“Q is for ‘question mark.’ A world that bears a question.” Meanwhile, an aspiring writer named Tengo takes on a suspect ghost...
An electronics salesman who has been deserted by his wife agrees to deliver an enigmatic package— and is rewarded with a glimpse of his true nature. A man who views himself as the son of God pursues a...
Archive.is works on most websites - for examples Financial Times, The Economist, Medium etc. It's easy to use but sometimes takes a long time to load.
David Ogilvy was considered the "father of advertising" and a creative genius by many of the biggest global brands. First published in 1963, this seminal book revolutionized the world of advertising a...
Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. The fault, argues this ingenious -- even...
The Brand Gap is the first book to present a unified theory of brand-building. Whereas most books on branding are weighted toward either a strategic or creative approach, this book shows how both ways...
Sand Valley’s Championship Course extends over 80 hectares of picturesque Polish country side. Rated by Golf World as TOP 100 Course in Europe it is the Home for the Lotos Polish Open of 2013 and 2014...
Scroll through LinkedIn and you will find a mix of rampant virtue signaling, cringeworthy titles, and stories that could come from r/thathappened. r/LinkedInLunatics subreddit is for sharing and discu...
Antarctica remains one of the least-visited places on Earth due to its remoteness and challenging environment. An Antarctic cruise offers adventurers unique, pristine landscapes, abundant wildlife (pe...
Ahrefs has a generous free tier that allows you to view your domain ranking, track backlinks, view organic keywords, analyze page and backlink health, check out competitors and many more. Once you sig...
Looking to implement structured data and don't know where to start? Google has excellent docs that explain what kind of structured data you need to provide to get certain types of search results. Bred...
Got your structured data and JSON-LD in place? Great, now go test it. Google has a free tool to help you view your search results as they see it - and spot potential errors or areas for improvement.
Google Search Console lets you see your site's Google traffic and to help Google index your pages. You can view the number of search impressions, search clicks, keywords used, track links to your page...
With SEO Stuff's free keyword generator you get up to 20 keyword suggestions for every keyword you enter for free. For each keyword, you can find out how difficult it is to rank and what the average s...
Drops is a language learning app similar to Duolingo, except it has many of the languages that Duolingo doesn't support, such as Thai. It mostly focuses on teaching you new words, with a catalogue of...
Learning a new language is hard, you need a lot of repeated exposure to the same words to make them stick. Here's the trick I use. I open ThaiPod101's live channel and let it run in the background whi...
Italki is a platform connecting language teachers, mostly native speakers, with students. You can book, pay, and schedule your classes directly through their website. The classes are one on one, just...
Duolingo doesn't need to be introduced - it's just the biggest and most well-know free app for language learners. They have a comprehensive Mandarin Chinese course that teaches you vocabulary, grammar...
This was my go-to page at the early stages of learning Mandarin. Chinese Grammar Wiki has an articles of each of the main aspects of Chinese grammar. For example, there are articles on how to use 一下,...
That's right, the Kindle can a great tool for learning Mandarin. You can download a free Chinese dictionary called CC-CEDICT. Then you can tap on any word to get the English translation and the pinyin...
r/IMadeThis is a subreddit where you share things that you've made yourself. This could be anything - website, sculpture, photograph, dress, music video etc. r/MadeThis has 13K members and is among th...
r/SideProject is a subreddit for sharing and receiving constructive feedback on side projects. It has 148k members and is among the top 1% of subreddits by size.
Subreddit description: A community of individuals who seek to solve problems, network professionally, collaborate on projects, and make the world a better place. Be professional, humble, and open to n...
This subreddit is all about SaaS (Software As a Service) companies. You can bring up your product as long as it's useful and relevant to the discussion. r/SaaS has 103k members and is among the top...
Description: "Startup ideas - for inventors, entrepreneurs and investors. This subreddit is for sharing innovative startup ideas. Links and discussion about startups and descriptions of startups are w...
MicroLaunch is a modern launch platform for early products: get feedback, traction and first customers over a month. Both ideas and product are scored separately. Your products get eventually roasted...
Uneed received over 15,000 visitors a month. Every day at 12:00 AM PST, 10 to 15 tools are launched on the homepage, and they directly compete: they are sorted by the number of votes they receive from...
Indie Hackers Stacks is a directory of indie products with their software stacks. You can use it to discover the tools that other makers use to build their products. Publish your own stack and get fre...
BetaList is a large and well-known startup directory but it's also very selective. They review each submission before they decide whether to allow it on the platform. Your startup should be pre-launch...
AlternativeTo is a directory of software alternatives. If your app is a good alternative to some existing app, AlternativeTo is a great place to list to. They accept all types of software products - f...
Remote OK is a popular job board with a mix of engineering and non-engineering jobs. There are a few dozen new jobs posted each day and you can filter by location, job type, salary, benefits etc. Ther...
This job board only has offers from companies that received funding from Y Combinator. You'll mostly find early-stage startup jobs, although a few more established companies also post their offers the...
Formerly known as Angel List Talent, this job board focuses on startup jobs. You can filter by location, remote preferences, salary, equity percentage, years of experience, remote-first companies, inv...
Otta is different from the other job boards in that it only shows you jobs that fit your profile. You set your preferences, such as location (or remote-only), desired salary, tech stack, role, visa st...
#1 source of daily updated remote jobs #remotework
This strictly speaking isn't a productivity extension but ads are way too distracting. This extension helps you purge them from your browser. Enjoy a calmer browsing experience!
Momentum replaces your default new tab screen with a beautiful, personalized dashboard. It shows you the time, current weather, and a beautiful landscape photo. It comes with simple productivity tools...
This dead-simple extension allows you to block distracting websites for a period of time your specify. You get to decide which websites to whitelist and which ones to blacklist. Block & Focus comes wi...
Limit allows you to put time limits on distracting websites. You get to choose how many minutes a day you're allowed to spend on each. After that, the website is blocked. It's a simple and effective t...
News Feed Eradicator removes feeds from social media websites to help you use them more purposefully. Feeds are the most addictive parts of most website so this extension really helps you reduce mindl...
The biggest advantage of Cognito is that it's a part of the AWS ecosystem and integrates well with other AWS services. The free tier comes with 50,000 MAUs and the price for each additional MAU sta...
Google's Firebase is an entire app development platform that's packed with features.It comes with storage, cloud functions, monitoring and, of course, user authentication. The free tier comes with...
Auth0 is Okta's B2C identity management solution. It's an all-in-one package, with social login, bot detection, UI components, anonymous users, single-sign-on, MFA etc. The free tier comes with 7,5...
Clerk is a comprehensive authentication and user management platform. It comes with embeddable UIs, APIs and admin dashboards for user management. Clerk offers official SDKs for Next.js, React, Jav...
Supabase is the open-source alternative to Firebase. Like Firebase, it's a complete app development platform with user authentication, cloud functions, APIs, Postgres database, storage, vector embeddi...
Rank Anything is your ultimate top picks guide in any category in the world. Discover top rated books, foods, countries, products, films, music, habits, workout routines, websites and anything in betw...
Sell your unused domains effortlessly. Skip the hassle of transfers and intermediaries.
Sanity Media is a social network that's slow and mindful by design. New posts are published only once a day so there is no pressure to constantly check for updates. Gone are the infinite scrolls and o...
Typing Mind is the most advanced Chat UI frontend for AI models like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and open-source models. Created by Tony Dinh.
Provide a short prompt or idea to PromptFlix and transform it into a screenplay complete with dialogues, scenes, and plot twists. In a few minutes, you'll receive an edited video output based on your...
AI-generated code autocompletions. Start typing and Copilot will generate code suggestions based on your input. Very often when you start typing the name of your function, it just autocompletes the en...
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that enforces strict formatting rules to keep your code consistent. This extension allows you to run prettier on save, which is really handy.
This simple extension provides syntax highlighting for .env files.
CodeMetrics shows you the cognitive complexity of your JavaScript and TypeScript code. If the complexity is too high, you know you need to refactor or simplify.
There is so much to this extension but the most basic feature is visualizing code authorship. It shows you who made the last change to your current line, the commit message, and when the change was ma...
You're up before everyone else. Best way to get some things done without distractions. Kind of sucks in the winter in northern climates though, too dark.
Friendly towards foreigners. Affordable. Most people speak English. Safe. Not great in the winter though. The weather is crap, you never get to see the sun, and air quality gets bad.
The new digital nomad favorite. A world-class metropolis. Fun and exciting. Affordable. Easy to reach by plane. It's not all rosy, though, air quality could be better and it's not really a walkable...
Great weather, although it gets chilly in winter. Good for surfing. On the flip side, I found the food bland and apparently the locals hate digital nomads?
Also know as Tan Tan Ramen. This is the best ramen, period. Rich, creamy, and spicy, topped with eggs and ground pork. It has a distinctive flavor thanks to the use of chili oil and doubanjiang, a typ...
Piri Piri roast chicken is arguably the best dish for those who cherish bold flavours and succulent meat. The dish’s main draw is the Piri Piri sauce—a fiery blend of chilli peppers, garlic, lemon, an...
Doner Kebab, with its perfectly spiced, succulent slices of meat crisped to perfection, nestled in fresh, fluffy bread, and complemented by an array of vibrant, tangy sauces and fresh vegetables, offe...
The quintessential Polish dish. Made with white cheese, potatoes, salt, pepper, and onions. Topped with sour cream and bacon. Yum!
A German fast food dish originating from Berlin. It consists of fried pork sausage cut into bite-sized chunks, ketchup, and curry powder. It is often server with fries. Currywurst was invented in B...
Kind of heavy but delicious. Lots of cheese, meat, potatoes and cabbage. Also, many many soups. Pierogi, bigos, kiełbasa, gołąbki, borsch.
Really spicy. Plenty of fresh ingredients and lots of variety. Famous for tom yum, pad thai, and curries.
The one that we all know and love. Pizza, pasta, risotto, gnocchi, tortellini and many, many more. Also ice cream aka gelato. And limoncello. And wine. Italians love food and it shows.
The one that we all know and love! Tacos, nachos, burritos, guacamole, quesadilla, tamales - I could go on and on! Spicy, tasty and full of fresh ingredients.
The Japanese cuisine has given us so much it's hard to even find a place to start. You've got your sushi, ramen, udon, edamame, mochi balls, tempura, soba, bento boxes, sukiyaki, gyoza, onigiri, yakis...
Runestone Text Editor is a tool for editing plain text and code and it's optimized for Apple Vision Pro. Features include syntax highlighting, customizable themes, tools for finding and replacing t...
Journey into the human heart on your Apple Vision Pro. This is the most detailed and realistic model of the human heart available on Apple Vision. The app allows you to explose the heart's anatomy,...
That's right, it's LEGO on your Apple Vision! It's a simple puzzle game where you use your creativity and building skills to solve problems and advance through a LEGO world.
Watch live air traffic take off and depart from realistic 3D models of real airports. Listen to real air comms traffic from supported airports.
This app allows you to place NASA's Perseverance Rover right in your living room. You can explore its parts and learn more about its specs. In the v2 version of the app, which is coming soon, you'l...
The OG pizza. The minimalist pizza. Cheese, tomato sauce, and basil leaves. What else does a pizza need?
Delicious pizza with a single topping. Simple and to the point.
Delectable Pizza topped with pineapple and Canadian ham! The perfect mix of sweet and salty <3
Topped with capers and anchovies. Rich in umami. Salty and delicious.
The best fast food burger joint. Beats McDonald's in every single category. Their burgers are better, their nuggets are better, their fries are better.
I love their crunchy and soft tacos 🌮 🌮 🌮
Nando’s stands out as the best fast-food restaurant by successfully combining casual dining with high-quality, flavourful food that boasts a unique cultural heritage. Renowned for its flame-grilled pi...
In his journal, Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck called East of Eden “the first book,” and indeed it has the primordial power and simplicity of myth. Set in the rich farmland of California’s Salinas...
Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, a Russian aristocrat is sentenced to house arrest in his residence at a luxury Hotel Metropol in Moscow. The story spans decades, as Rostov develops friendships, enmitie...
Hajime has arrived at middle age with a loving family and an enviable career, yet he feels incomplete. When a childhood friend, now a beautiful woman, shows up with a secret from which she is unable t...
My flight from Bangkok to Los Angeles was completely packed and the seats were tiny. This is arguably not the airline's fault but the layover in Manila was one of the worst I've had. You are herded...
Because life is a nightmare
because fuck you that's why
whenever I fly United I literally want to fucking kill myself. Also you cant click off their website lmfao
The least dignified way to travel in Europe! Even booking a ticket with them is a nightmare trip through a maze of upsells and dark patterns. Once you have booked your flight, enjoy your 1-hour com...
By Mathew Walker - We sleep 1/3 of our life yet understand so little about it...
A book about the circadian rhythm. Apparently, it's really misunderstood, even by your doctor. Read this book to understand your body better. It helped me improve my sleep.
Modern healthcare is often reactive. This is part of the reason why preventative medicine is so key.
Discover the secrets to a long, healthy, and fulfilling life with "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles. This insightful book delves into the Ja...
An authentic Polish milk bar. Cheap and delicious. Serves typical Polish foods. Probably the most affordable place in the center of Gdynia. Can get crowded at lunch time.
Affordable, casual pizza place in the center of Gdynia. They serve pizza by the slice, breakfasts, pastas and cakes. It's dog-friendly, has good music, friendly atmosphere and a vaguely "street style"...
Casual Greek restaurant and cocktail bar. Tzatziki, gyros, souvlaki, that sort of thing. Outdoor seating in spring and summer. I go there a lot and the food is delicious.
The Real Slim Shady, Mockingbird, Without Me, Lose Yourself, My Name Is, Just Lose It, Rap God... Do I need to keep listing?
Kendrick Lamar Duckworth is an American rapper and singer-songwriter. Often regarded as one of the greatest rappers of all time, he is the only musician outside of the classical and jazz genres to be...
Love Yourz, Black Friday, No Role Modelz, Wet Dreamz, G.O.M.D., Apparently, Middle Child, A Tale of 2 Citiez, Crooked Smile (feat. TLC), Lights Please
Exhibit A (feat. Mos Def), Exhibit C, Shiny Suit Theory (feat. Jay-Z), Eternal Sunshine, Dear Moleskine, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
One of the most successful female rappers. She's known for her bold personality and doesn't shy away from saying what she thinks. Some find her songs disturbing, for example Ben Shapiro hated WAP.
"Project Hail Mary" is a space adventure story written by Andy Weir, the same guy who wrote "The Martian." It's about a man named Ryland Grace who wakes up on a spaceship with no memory of who he is o...
I'm a sucker for audiobooks read by the author and this is one of them. Trevor Noah is a skilled comedian and his stories of his growing up in South Africa are genuinely hilarious. It's like listening...
Long Walk to Freedom is an autobiography by South Africa's first democratically elected President Nelson Mandela, and it was first published in 1994 by Little Brown & Co. The book profiles his early l...
Greek myths retold by Stephen Fry. He is both the author and the narrator of this book. His wit and sense of humor come across in both the text and in the delivery. Plus, you actually get to learn...
A book about surfing. An autobiography. Pulitzer Prizer winner 2016. Narrated by the author.
A process server and his marijuana dealer wind up on the run from hitmen and a corrupt police officer after he witnesses his dealer's boss murder a competitor while trying to serve papers on him.
American singer-songwriter, know for such songs as Shake it Off, Blank Space, Cruel Summer, and Bad Blood. Also, as of 2024, a self-made billionaire.
She started out in a group called Destiny's Child, which was super popular back in the late '90s and early 2000s. They had big some hits, like "Say My Name" and "Survivor." But Beyoncé didn't stop...
She's got a voice that can make you feel all sorts of things. She sings mostly about love, heartbreak, and all the ups and downs that come with it. Adele's songs are super powerful and have a way of h...
The best movie, hands down ever, by the greatest director Tommy Wiseau. A classic masterpiece produced in 2003 is still watched in theaters today. Now that is longevity!
or La grande bellezza in Italian. A masterpiece by Paolo Sorrentino in which a socialite Jep Gambardella (Toni Servillo) reflects on his life of lavish parties among the cultural elite of Rome. Stunni...
Behold, the atheists' nightmare. Now if you study a well-made banana, you'll find, on the far side, there are 3 ridges. On the close side, two ridges. If you get your hand ready to grip a banana, you'...
Fun fact about the pineapple. The pineapple is filled with bromelain, which is a digestive acid. So as you digest the pineapple, the pineapple digests you. You only win because you're bigger.
Some consider the tomato a vegetable. They are wrong.
Why isn't it a state?!
The Golden State. Home to Hollywood and the Silicon Valley. Produces 80% of the world's almonds. What a great state. Although these days its major cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco are full o...
the best state around. very beautiful. Okay maybe Portland is weird.
The most rectangular of them all. But seriously, it's a great state! Lots and lots of nature, plenty of mountains and bisons. It is also home to Yellowstone National Park, the first national park in t...
Very tropical and chill state. Better than the rest of them.
The land of leprechauns and tax havens.
The clear winner. In the center of Europe.
I can code while sleeping
4 SaaS exits ($150k+) More products to come!
Tomasz Stefaniak made this website and therefore deserves the #1 spot.
Journey from flight instructor to indie maker
Always building