The Endless
The Endless is a captivating indie sci-fi horror film directed by and starring Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. Released in 2017, the movie follows two brothers, Justin and Aaron, who return to a mysterious cult they escaped from years ago. As they reconnect with the group, they discover that the cult's beliefs about a supernatural entity and time loops might be real. The film blends elements of horror, mystery, and science fiction, creating a unique and thought-provoking experience.
Item | Votes | Upvote |
Intriguing and original storyline | 1 | |
Strong performances by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead | 1 | |
Effective blend of horror, mystery, and sci-fi elements | 1 | |
Thought-provoking themes and eerie atmosphere | 1 |
Item | Votes | Upvote |
Slow-paced at times | 1 |
'The Endless' is a captivating indie sci-fi horror film directed by and starring Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. Released in 2017, the movie follows two brothers, Justin and Aaron, who return to a mysterious cult they escaped from years ago. As they reconnect with the group, they discover that the cult's beliefs about a supernatural entity and time loops might be real. The film blends elements of horror, mystery, and science fiction, creating a unique and thought-provoking experience.
Pros of 'The Endless' include its intriguing and original storyline, strong performances by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, an effective blend of horror, mystery, and sci-fi elements, and thought-provoking themes with an eerie atmosphere. The main con is that the film can be slow-paced at times.