
Jasmine Bashara never signed up to be a hero. She just wanted to get rich. Not crazy, eccentric-billionaire rich, like many of the visitors to her hometown of Artemis, humanity’s first and only lunar colony. Just rich enough to move out of her coffin-sized apartment and eat something better than flavored algae. Rich enough to pay off a debt she’s owed for a long time. So when a chance at a huge score finally comes her way, Jazz can’t say no. Sure, it requires her to graduate from small-time smuggler to full-on criminal mastermind. And it calls for a particular combination of cunning, technical skills, and large explosions—not to mention sheer brazen swagger. But Jazz has never run into a challenge her intellect can’t handle, and she figures she’s got the ‘swagger’ part down. The trouble is, engineering the perfect crime is just the start of Jazz’s problems. Because her little heist is about to land her in the middle of a conspiracy for control of Artemis itself. Trapped...

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  • Fast-paced and engaging
    × 1
  • Strong, relatable protagonist
    × 1
  • Rich scientific details
    × 1
  • Humorous dialogue
    × 1
  • Unique lunar setting
    × 1


  • Complex technical jargon
    × 1
  • Uneven pacing at times
    × 1
  • Limited character development
    × 1
  • Less grounded than "The Martian"
    × 1
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