What I Talk About When I Talk About Running vs. Fooled by Randomness

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running


by Haruki Murakami. In this book, Murakami shares his thoughts and experiences about running and writing. He talks about how he started running in his 30s and how it became a big part of his life. Running helps him think and gives him ideas for his writing. The book is like a diary where Murakami writes about his runs, the races he joins, and how running affects his life and work. He also talks about getting older and how that changes his running. The book is not just for runners but for anyone who enjoys a good story about trying hard and not giving up.

Fooled by Randomness


"Fooled by Randomness" is a thought-provoking book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb that delves into the role of chance in our lives and how we often mistake random events for meaningful patterns. Through a mix of personal anecdotes, philosophical insights, and statistical analysis, Taleb explores how randomness affects the world of finance, business, and daily life. The book challenges readers to rethink their perceptions of success, failure, and the forces that drive outcomes. This book is ideal for readers interested in finance, probability, and the philosophical implications of randomness.

Image for What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
Image for Fooled by Randomness
Fooled by Randomness

Top Reviews


I read this book when I first started running long distance. I was living in Chiang Mai and I'd go this huge park a couple of times a week and just run loops around the lake. At the end of my run I'd grab a milk tea and a banana bread from a local coffee shop and just read a few pages. Great memories of many chill evenings, running and reading about running.

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  • Easy read
    × 1
  • Motivating
    × 1
  • Peaceful
    × 1



  • Engaging storytelling
    × 1
  • Thought-provoking concepts
    × 1
  • Insightful analysis on randomness and probability
    × 1


  • Dense statistical discussions
    × 1
  • Can be repetitive
    × 1
  • Requires careful reading to fully grasp concepts
    × 1

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