After the Quake vs. What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: A Memoir

After the Quake

An electronics salesman who has been deserted by his wife agrees to deliver an enigmatic package— and is rewarded with a glimpse of his true nature. A man who views himself as the son of God pursues a stranger who may be his human father. A mild-mannered collection agent receives a visit from a giant talking frog who enlists his help in saving Tokyo from destruction. The six stories in this collection come from the deep and mysterious place where the human meets the inhuman—and are further proof that Murakami is one of the most visionary writers at work today.

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: A Memoir

While training for the New York City Marathon, Haruki Murakami decided to keep a journal of his progress. The result is a memoir about his intertwined obsessions with running and writing, full of vivid recollections and insights, including the eureka moment when he decided to become a writer. By turns funny and sobering, playful and philosophical, here is a rich and revelatory work that elevates the human need for motion to an art form.

Image for After the Quake
After the Quake
Image for What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: A Memoir
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: A Memoir
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  • Easy read
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  • Learn how Murakami thinks about work, life and running
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  • Inspires you to run
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  • Inspires you to do your best work
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  • Murakami's reflections on aging
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