The Endless is a captivating indie sci-fi horror film directed by and starring Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. Released in 2017, the movie follows two brothers, Justin and Aaron, who return to a mysterious cult they escaped from years ago. As they reconnect with the group, they discover that the cult's beliefs about a supernatural entity and time loops might be real. The film blends elements of horror, mystery, and science fiction, creating a unique and thought-provoking experience.
The best movie, hands down ever, by the greatest director Tommy Wiseau. A classic masterpiece produced in 2003 is still watched in theaters today. Now that is longevity!
Strong performances by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead
Effective blend of horror, mystery, and sci-fi elements
Thought-provoking themes and eerie atmosphere
Slow-paced at times
Completely insane
Made by Tommy Wiseau
Cult classic
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is The Endless a better film than The Room?
The Endless offers an intriguing and original storyline with strong performances and a blend of horror, mystery, and sci-fi elements, making it a thought-provoking experience. In contrast, The Room is known for its cult status and is often celebrated for its unintentional humor and eccentricity, but it lacks the narrative depth and cohesive storytelling found in The Endless. Therefore, if you prefer a well-crafted narrative with thematic depth, The Endless is likely the better choice.
What are the main differences in themes between The Endless and The Room?
The Endless explores themes of supernatural entities, time loops, and the psychological impact of cults, creating a thought-provoking atmosphere. On the other hand, The Room primarily focuses on personal relationships and drama, albeit in a chaotic and often nonsensical manner. While The Endless aims to provoke thought and fear, The Room is more about entertainment through its absurdity and cult appeal.
Which film has stronger performances, The Endless or The Room?
The Endless features strong performances by its directors and stars, Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, who effectively convey the film's eerie atmosphere and complex themes. In contrast, The Room is often criticized for its acting, which is considered one of its defining characteristics, contributing to its cult status. Therefore, in terms of acting quality, The Endless is generally regarded as superior.
Which film is more suitable for fans of horror and sci-fi, The Endless or The Room?
The Endless is more suitable for fans of horror and sci-fi due to its effective blend of these genres, along with its thought-provoking themes and eerie atmosphere. The Room, while entertaining in its own right, does not fit into the horror or sci-fi categories and is more of a drama-comedy that appeals to those who enjoy cult classics for their unique charm. Therefore, for genre enthusiasts, The Endless is the better option.
What is 'The Endless' about?
'The Endless' is a captivating indie sci-fi horror film directed by and starring Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. Released in 2017, the movie follows two brothers, Justin and Aaron, who return to a mysterious cult they escaped from years ago. As they reconnect with the group, they discover that the cult's beliefs about a supernatural entity and time loops might be real. The film blends elements of horror, mystery, and science fiction, creating a unique and thought-provoking experience.
What are the pros and cons of 'The Endless'?
Pros of 'The Endless' include its intriguing and original storyline, strong performances by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, an effective blend of horror, mystery, and sci-fi elements, and thought-provoking themes with an eerie atmosphere. The main con is that the film can be slow-paced at times.
What are the pros and cons of 'The Room'?
The pros of 'The Room' include its completely insane storyline, the fact that it was made by Tommy Wiseau, and its status as a cult classic. There are no listed cons at this time.
Who directed 'The Room'?
'The Room' was directed by Tommy Wiseau, who is also known for his eccentric personality and unique filmmaking style.
When was 'The Room' released?
'The Room' was released in 2003 and has since gained a cult following, with regular screenings in theaters even years after its release.
Why is 'The Room' considered a cult classic?
'The Room' is considered a cult classic due to its bizarre plot, unusual dialogue, and the enigmatic figure of Tommy Wiseau. Despite its initial reception, the movie has garnered a dedicated fan base that appreciates its unique charm.