This strictly speaking isn't a productivity extension but ads are way too distracting. This extension helps you purge them from your browser. Enjoy a calmer browsing experience!
Convert any webpage into a print-friendly format, enjoy a built-in Reader Mode for distraction-free browsing, and save webpages as PDFs for easy access.
Is AdBlock more effective than Page Printer for improving browsing experience?
AdBlock is designed specifically to eliminate distracting ads from your browsing experience, allowing for a calmer and more focused environment. In contrast, Page Printer focuses on converting webpages into print-friendly formats and offers a Reader Mode for distraction-free reading. While AdBlock directly addresses distractions caused by ads, Page Printer enhances the reading experience by simplifying content presentation. Therefore, if your primary concern is ad distraction, AdBlock is more effective, whereas Page Printer is better for reading and saving content.
Can Page Printer replace AdBlock for a better browsing experience?
Page Printer cannot fully replace AdBlock as they serve different purposes. AdBlock specifically targets and removes ads, which can significantly reduce distractions while browsing. Page Printer, on the other hand, enhances the reading experience by providing a clean format for printing and saving webpages. If you are looking to eliminate ads, AdBlock is necessary, while Page Printer is useful for organizing and saving content. Using both together can provide a more comprehensive improvement to your browsing experience.
What is AdBlock?
AdBlock is a browser extension designed to remove advertisements from webpages, providing a calmer and more focused browsing experience.
What are the pros and cons of AdBlock?
While specific user-generated pros and cons are not available, generally, the pros of AdBlock include the removal of distracting ads and a smoother browsing experience. However, some users might find that it blocks certain desired content or that it reduces revenue for content creators who rely on ad income.
How can I install AdBlock?
You can install AdBlock by visiting the official AdBlock website at and following the instructions for your specific browser.
Is AdBlock free to use?
Yes, AdBlock is free to use, although it offers optional donations to support the developers.
What is Page Printer | Reader Mode, Print, and Save as PDF?
Page Printer | Reader Mode, Print, and Save as PDF is a tool that allows users to convert any webpage into a print-friendly format. It features a built-in Reader Mode for distraction-free browsing and enables users to save webpages as PDFs for easy access.
What are the main features of Page Printer | Reader Mode, Print, and Save as PDF?
The main features of Page Printer | Reader Mode, Print, and Save as PDF include the ability to convert webpages into a print-friendly format, a Reader Mode that provides distraction-free browsing, and the option to save webpages as PDFs for easy access and offline viewing.