News Feed Eradicator vs. Link Hints

News Feed Eradicator

News Feed Eradicator removes feeds from social media websites to help you use them more purposefully. Feeds are the most addictive parts of most website so this extension really helps you reduce mindless scrolling. News Feed Eradicator supports removing feeds from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Reddit, Hacker News, and GitHub. You get to pick which feeds to block and which to allow.

Link Hints

Click with your keyboard. Have a bad touchpad? Trouble using a mouse? Love keyboard shortcuts? Link Hints is a browser extension that complements the built-in keyboard shortcuts with ones for clicking. Press Alt+J (Ctrl+J on macOS). This makes little yellow boxes with letters, called hints, appear next to links (and other clickable things). Type the letters to click the link. Alternatively, hold Shift and type a bit of the link text. The keyboard shortcuts and hints are fully customizable. Alt+J: Click links, buttons, etc. Alt+K: Open link in new tab. Alt+L: Open link in new tab and switch to it. Alt+Shift+J: Click many things. Alt+Shift+K: Open many links. Alt+Shift+L: Select element.

Image for News Feed Eradicator
News Feed Eradicator
Image for Link Hints
Link Hints
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