Drops vs. Chinese Ebooks on Amazon Kindle



Drops is a language learning app similar to Duolingo, except it has many of the languages that Duolingo doesn't support, such as Thai. It mostly focuses on teaching you new words, with a catalogue of 2,000+ words divided into categories. It comes with exercises to help you improve your reading, listening, and writing skills. It's a bit light on grammar but is a good place to pick up some basic words and learn to make simple sentences.

Chinese Ebooks on Amazon Kindle


That's right, the Kindle can a great tool for learning Mandarin. You can download a free Chinese dictionary called CC-CEDICT. Then you can tap on any word to get the English translation and the pinyin. There are plenty of Chinese ebooks you can find online for free or purchase on Amazon. I used this method earlier this year to read a few chapters of Harry Potter and now I'm reading The Three-Body Problem by ‎Liu Cixin.

Image for Drops
Image for Chinese Ebooks on Amazon Kindle
Chinese Ebooks on Amazon Kindle
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  • Not as good as Duolingo
    × 1
  • Repetitive
    × 1



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