ChromeWinner vs. Google Search Console


🏅 ChromeWinner is "ahrefs for extensions". Analyze the competition, learn from the best and promote your extension. Receive daily updates on how your extensions perform and what competitors do. Grow your user base organically in Chrome Web Store by learning from already successful extensions. Subscribe to daily email digest and receive detailed updates: 📈 SERP for Chrome Store: monitor search results in the Chrome Web Store 👤 daily user growth: know which extensions acquire users faster ⚠️ get alerts when there are new players in the market (new competitors) ✍️ new reviews and rating changes - use competitors' feedback for your own profit ✨ get notified when competitors release new versions

Google Search Console

Google Search Console lets you see your site's Google traffic and to help Google index your pages. You can view the number of search impressions, search clicks, keywords used, track links to your pages, check core web vitals, crawl stats etc. You can also manually request crawling of certain pages and upload site maps.

Image for ChromeWinner
Image for Google Search Console
Google Search Console
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@tomasz_fmŠ 2023 Tomasz Stefaniak