Drops vs. Chloeting app



Drops is a language learning app similar to Duolingo, except it has many of the languages that Duolingo doesn't support, such as Thai. It mostly focuses on teaching you new words, with a catalogue of 2,000+ words divided into categories. It comes with exercises to help you improve your reading, listening, and writing skills. It's a bit light on grammar but is a good place to pick up some basic words and learn to make simple sentences.

Chloeting app


I am a huge fan of chloe ting's workouts. I haven't checked out her app yet, as I use her mostly on desktop but I find that her workouts are the most fun, versatile and effective.

Image for Drops
Image for Chloeting app
Chloeting app
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  • Not as good as Duolingo
    × 1
  • Repetitive
    × 1


  • fun varied workouts
    × 1
  • delicious recipe ideas
    × 1
  • convenient app
    × 1


  • newer app: may have more bugs
    × 1

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