Chinese Ebooks on Amazon Kindle vs. Italki

Chinese Ebooks on Amazon Kindle

That's right, the Kindle can a great tool for learning Mandarin. You can download a free Chinese dictionary called CC-CEDICT. Then you can tap on any word to get the English translation and the pinyin. There are plenty of Chinese ebooks you can find online for free or purchase on Amazon. I used this method earlier this year to read a few chapters of Harry Potter and now I'm reading The Three-Body Problem by ‎Liu Cixin.


Italki is a platform connecting language teachers, mostly native speakers, with students. You can book, pay, and schedule your classes directly through their website. The classes are one on one, just you and the teacher, and conducted over a video call. I used Italki successfully before going to Thailand for the first time. My wife who is Thai gave me an Italki gift card. There are plenty of teachers to chose from and the rates are affordable. You'll pay anywhere from $10 to about $20 for a class.

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Chinese Ebooks on Amazon Kindle
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