SnapMeal: AI meal log journal vs. ContentStudio AI

SnapMeal: AI meal log journal

AI diet companion app that tracks what you eat, recording calories, food, health rating, and liquid intake.

ContentStudio AI

Transform Your Ideas into Automated Videos with AI

Image for SnapMeal: AI meal log journal
SnapMeal: AI meal log journal
Image for ContentStudio AI
ContentStudio AI

Top Reviews


*Snap Meal (made a typo, not Noon Meal, sorry)


Just became a member, weekly membership. I've logged my two meals of the day so far and drinks. Seems to be a good way if you want to quickly take on good food / health habits and track/check food score, eating, etc. A friend of mine just recommended Noom Meal this morning. Quite happy tbh!


Really efficient app. Again, I really like their AI model that has been trained in nutrition. Now, you will also be required to enrol one of their $2 tier (so not 100% free), but works very well for me

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  • Affordable AI model specifically trained in nutrition
    × 2


  • You will need to enroll a tier for full usage
    × 2


  • Multi-Language Support
    × 1
  • Diverse Voice Selection
    × 1
  • AI-Powered Script Generation
    × 1
  • Advanced Editing Tools
    × 1
  • Customizable Templates
    × 1
  • Stock Media Library
    × 1


Frequently Asked Questions

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