Explore our curated directory of static site generators, from Next.js to Hugo, and find the best tools for adding search, comments, and other features to your static website. Start building a fast, secure, and optimized website now.
Self-Hosted Software List is a directory of the top self-hosted solutions in various categories. List there if you're working on a product that the users can host themselves. Submitting your products to Self-Hosted Software List is free.
Is Static Page Tools better than Self-Hosted Software List for discovering website tools?
Static Page Tools is better if you are specifically looking for tools to enhance static websites, as it offers a curated directory of static site generators and tools for site improvements like search and comments. It also has user-generated pros like having lots of entries and bringing in site improvement ideas. On the other hand, Self-Hosted Software List is more general and provides a directory of top self-hosted solutions across various categories, making it more versatile if you are looking for a broader range of self-hosted software.
Which is more specialized, Static Page Tools or Self-Hosted Software List?
Static Page Tools is more specialized as it focuses specifically on static site generators and tools for adding features to static websites. Self-Hosted Software List, however, covers a broader range of self-hosted solutions across various categories, making it less specialized but more versatile.
What is 'Static Page Tools'?
'Static Page Tools' is a curated directory of static site generators such as Next.js and Hugo. It helps users find the best tools for adding features like search, comments, and more to their static websites, enabling them to build fast, secure, and optimized websites.
What are the pros and cons of 'Static Page Tools'?
Pros of 'Static Page Tools' include a large number of entries and the provision of site improvement ideas and tools. There are currently no listed cons.
What types of tools can be found on 'Static Page Tools'?
'Static Page Tools' features a variety of static site generators and additional tools to enhance static websites. These include tools for search functionality, comments, and other features to improve website performance and user experience.
What is Self-Hosted Software List?
Self-Hosted Software List is a directory of the top self-hosted solutions in various categories. It allows users to list their self-hosted products for free.
How can I submit my product to Self-Hosted Software List?
You can submit your product to Self-Hosted Software List by visiting their website and following the submission process. Listing your product is free of charge.
What are the benefits of using Self-Hosted Software List?
Self-Hosted Software List provides exposure to a targeted audience interested in self-hosted solutions. It helps users discover top self-hosted software across various categories.
Is there a fee for listing on Self-Hosted Software List?
No, there is no fee for listing your product on Self-Hosted Software List. It is a free service.
Who can benefit from using Self-Hosted Software List?
Both developers of self-hosted software and users looking for self-hosted solutions can benefit from using Self-Hosted Software List. Developers gain exposure for their products, while users can discover and evaluate various self-hosted options.