Chloeting app vs. Get Jacked

Chloeting app

I am a huge fan of chloe ting's workouts. I haven't checked out her app yet, as I use her mostly on desktop but I find that her workouts are the most fun, versatile and effective.

Get Jacked

Get Jacked is a gym tracking app and personal robo trainer. Get Jacked helps beginners, intermediates and advanced lifters improving their training by tracking training performance over the medium and long term. Get jacked adjusts training volume to fit your needs making sure that you get the best possible results given your personal constraints.

Image for Chloeting app
Chloeting app
Image for Get Jacked
Get Jacked
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  • fun varied workouts
    × 1
  • delicious recipe ideas
    × 1
  • convenient app
    × 1


  • newer app: may have more bugs
    × 1


  • individualized training built in
    × 1
  • for any level (beginners, intermediates, advanced)
    × 1
  • personalized performance optimization
    × 1
  • frequent updates
    × 1
  • indie maker
    × 1


  • new tool, therefore not perfect yet
    × 1

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