Wellfound vs. Foundy.com



Formerly known as Angel List Talent, this job board focuses on startup jobs. You can filter by location, remote preferences, salary, equity percentage, years of experience, remote-first companies, investment stage, company size etc. Wellfound allows you to save and name your searches and filters to make job search easier. Finally, you can create a profile and apply for most jobs directly from Wellfound, and companies can discover your profile and reach out to you directly.



Foundy.com is the first AI-enabled platform specialising in long-term exit planning and successful M&A deal execution. Whether you're preparing for an exit within 1 to 36 months or exploring buy-side acquisition opportunities, Foundy offers an AI-powered SaaS platform combined with expert advisors who specialise in your company’s industry niche. We provide a comprehensive toolkit, including buyer and deal flow sourcing, templates and access to a thriving community of exited founders and buyers, all designed to maximise shareholder value and ensure a successful transaction. Foundy also has a generous referral programme for those who connect us with buyers or sellers.

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  • Lots of filtering options
    × 1
  • You can save your searches
    × 1
  • High quality jobs
    × 1



  • Exit Readiness & Valuation Reports
    × 1
  • Buyer Sourcing, Deal Management, & M&A Advisory
    × 1
  • Community Support
    × 1
  • Pricing Information
    × 1
  • Deal Sourcing & Due Diligence
    × 1
  • Post-Acquisition Integration Support
    × 1


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