Pacer Pedometer vs. Exploring Mars

Pacer Pedometer

All-in-one pedometer app for walkers including pedometer, virtual step challenges, places to walk near by and clubs. Most features of any similar apps.

Exploring Mars

This app allows you to place NASA's Perseverance Rover right in your living room. You can explore its parts and learn more about its specs. In the v2 version of the app, which is coming soon, you'll actually be able to stand on the surface of Mars.

Image for Pacer Pedometer
Pacer Pedometer
Image for Exploring Mars
Exploring Mars
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  • Active community
    × 1
  • Active developer
    × 1
  • Virtual Step Challenges
    × 1
  • Walking Routes and Parks
    × 1
  • Most features of similar apps
    × 1


  • Some features paid
    × 1
  • Some users complain too many features
    × 1
  • Free version has ads
    × 1



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