Confessions of an Advertising Man vs. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Confessions of an Advertising Man

David Ogilvy was considered the "father of advertising" and a creative genius by many of the biggest global brands. First published in 1963, this seminal book revolutionized the world of advertising and became a bible for the 1960s ad generation. It also became an international bestseller, translated into 14 languages. Fizzing with Ogilvy's pioneering ideas and inspirational philosophy, it covers not only advertising, but also people management, corporate ethics, and office politics, and forms an essential blueprint for good practice in business.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

In a Tokyo suburb, a young man named Toru Okada searches for his wife’s missing cat—and then for his wife as well—in a netherworld beneath the city’s placid surface. As these searches intersect, he encounters a bizarre group of allies and antagonists. Gripping, prophetic, and suffused with comedy and menace, this is one of Haruki Murakami’s most acclaimed and beloved novels.

Image for Confessions of an Advertising Man
Confessions of an Advertising Man
Image for The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
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  • Advertising Bible
    × 1



  • Murakami at his best
    × 1
  • Long, captivating read
    × 1


  • They cut out some chapters in the English translation
    × 1

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